DG Systems Bytemaster System Cards Keyboard Printer A & B Phideck Disk Drives Documentation Software Flyers Magazine Ads
Mark-8 Minicomputer Apple-1 MOS Kim-1 V C F Imsai 8080 Kenbak-1 TV Typewriter LSI ADM-3A ASR-33 The Digital Group
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Digital Group
I have piles of DG catalogs and documentation that I have
begun to scan for preservation and fun, this page represents my progress
in that effort. All scans were done by me unless otherwise noted.
If you find any of the information
unreadable or missing pages, please let me know. Some of the documentation
has known issues, but as I am aware of them, I will try to fix them or note them here.
Also available are machine readable audio
files for loading software into the DG operating system. See my DG
Software page.
Most scans were done at 200-600 dpi,
depending mainly on when they were scanned. Some of the pdfs are
searchable, but most are not. And, as always MORE TO COME! :)
Please Be Kind...
I have limited bandwidth! Download only what you know you
want or need, and take your time--only download what you need right now,
then save what you download so you need not download it again. Thanks, and
Documentation in pretty Digital Group Binders
To download these files:
Right click on the file, and choose the option to
"Save Target As...", then choose an appropriate directory on
your computer.
The Suding Papers...
- 1.9 Meg The earliest of all dg documents!! These are scans of Dr. Sudings hand-drawn
plans for dg equipment, and a couple Mark-8 items.
suding_letters.pdf -
648 KB Letters written to/from Dr. Suding. One from Jon Titus - Creator of the Mark-8
Minicomputer! (The letter dated January 11, 1974 obviously should read 1975.)
Digital Group Flyers
Flyers have their own page
Digital Group Magazine Ads
Magazine Ads have
their own page
Hand drawn motherboard layout
plans--Suding Scans
JUDGE - Coming soon.
Bridge - Coming
soon, & etc.
DG2 - Coming
soon, eventually.
digital group clearinghouse
Coming soon, still.
Digital Group Software Documentation
docs has it's own page.
Digital Group Hardware Documentation
Pre-DG "System"
- 2.4 Meg The original "Packet #1" for making improvements to the Mark-8
Minicomputer. This was the beginning of the digital group. Scans from my original copy, given to me
by the author, Dr. Robert Suding.
8080 CPU
8080_cpu.PDF - 288 KB No further details, just what you see folks.
4.2 Meg Operating system, with listings and ROM code.
- 2.9 Meg
z80opsys_32char.PDF - 2.4 Meg Operating system, with listings and ROM
z80opsys_64char_new_ver.pdf - 2.6 Meg Operating system, with listings and ROM
code, new version.
z80_distribution_cassette.pdf - 431 KB Information on the programs included
on the OpSys cassette.
I/O Cards
_io_card.pdf - 2.1 Meg Four port I/O card.
Serial I/O card pdf coming soon.
Memory Cards
8k_mem.PDF - 607 KB
32k_static.PDF - 5.4 Meg
- 2.9 Meg
Video Cards
- 6.0 Meg Most common of the available video cards offered by dg.
- 1.8 Meg The earlier TVC card, and the less expensive -- My original.
- 2.5 Meg Video ROM used in most dg video cards.
- 69 KB How I modified my TVC-32 to display 64 X16 characters. These are
my original notes (nice handwriting!), this was before I designed the clock-doubler
to avoid having to buy a new crystal.
Other Cool Cards
- 6.0 Meg Very cool.
Storage Systems
diskmon.PDF - 3.6 Meg Version 1.0 documentation, anyone have anything later?
- 14.7 Meg
Very rare item, Double Density Disk Controller, released just before the
company demise.
- 1.4 Meg
- 2.3 Meg Hardware Monitor. Diagnostic program used to develop the DG Double Density Disk
floppy_disk_cabinet.PDF - 6.2 Meg
floppy_disk_cabling-shugart.PDF - 849 KB
floppy_disk_controller.PDF - 11.8 Meg This is the most common disk
floppy_disk_power.PDF - 1.3 Meg
mini_floppy_cabinet.pdf - 3.6 Meg
mini_floppy_drive.PDF - 2.3 Meg Very uncommon. DG used MPI (Micro Peripherals,
Inc.) drives.
mini_floppy_power.PDF - 517 KB
nec_controller_chip.PDF - 2.4 Meg Used in the standard floppy controller.
wd_dd_controller_chip.PDF - 2.3 Meg Used in the Double Density Disk
Shugart_SA400_OEM_Sep78.pdf - 2.9 Meg From bitsavers.org. I don't
know if this drive was ever used in a dg system.
Shugart_SA400_Service_Apr79.pdf - 4.0 Meg Ditto & etc.
Shugart_SA800_Maint_Feb78.pdf - 3.8 Meg More bitsavers. I
have several copies of this, but this one has already been scanned!
Shugart_SA800_OEM_May80.pdf - 2.0 Meg Ditto.
Shugart_SA800_Parts_May77.pdf - 460 KB Ditto.
Shugart_SA800_TheorOp_May78.pdf - 1.2 Meg Ditto.
- 10.7 Meg
Ahh! The Phi-deck! I still don't have mine working. I spend too much time
scanning documents. :)
- 294 KB Cabinet assembly.
- 7.0 Meg A staggeringly complete essay on the Phideck system, and how
to make it work to spec., by Hugh Macdonald.
- 0.6 Meg "Getting Started With <Phimon>" Or, how to
start Phimon for the first time.
- 10.5 Meg Phimon operating system documentation.
- 91 KB Upgrade instructions to Ver 2.
Digital Group Printer
- 0.2 Meg Initial inspection and a few documentation corrections -- Don't
- 0.2 Meg Important information, and some PC board changes -- Don't skip.
- 1.1 Meg Changes to the board, corrections, software, etc., &etc.
- 0.3 Meg Corrections to the corrections... :)
- 1.6 Meg At last! The actual printer
documentation... Careful! Read all the corrections and changes!
- 0.8 Meg Printer driver, "Short Version"
-- The name of the document, not my comment. :)
- 6.8 Meg Putting it all into the DG cabinet.
- 2.6 Meg The users manual from Practical Automation.
- 491 KB Several order confirmations on DG stationary, just for fun.